Friday, November 04, 2005

Dan Goldin Day explained (again)

Relevant Dan Goldin posts:

The original blog posting about Dan Goldin day containing the original question from a reader about Dan Goldin day.

The answer

And, A nice Daily Free Press article about the situation

Ok, now, I’d just like to point out, that, while I don’t mind posting often, or that I consider this a wasted post just because I’m linking to old posts, this all could have been avoided, KT, if you had just read the archives like any good reader should. They only go back like a year. That’s not really that many posts. In fact, the total number of posts I’ve posted is 444. Wow, Four-hundred forty-four posts. That’s a cool number…maybe I’ll celebrate landmark postings too. Because I’m all about celebrations, I mean come on, I invented Dan Goldin day, didn’t I? (Yes, I did.)


recommended download:
Aram Chobanian , Not Goldin, Nor Silber


Anonymous said...

i thought silber created dan goldin day by giving us the day off in '03.

Anonymous said...

CAN YOU REALLY DOWNLOAD THAT SONG?!?! Cause if you can, I want it. That was an awesome song.

Tom said...

I heard BU Comm kids were trying to put it up online somewhere, along with Prof. Marscher's Universe song (the key gets lower as the universe expands). I haven't found either of them...but that doesn't mean they aren't out there.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates. It was certainly less entertanining than i had hoped, but good ol'sordid BU buricratic turmoil is always an excellent backup.