Friday, November 04, 2005


So we lost our senior manager to another group. Officially he’s “covering” while they try and replace the girl who left (one of the fun ones) for more money and more respect at a another financial institution, but really, he’ll “cover” that group for three months, and then just take over permanently.

It’s not such a big deal for us, because our group is the best group in this department. That’s right, this group, that I complain about all the time, is the best in the department. The other groups are really messed up.

So. We lost senior manager. He was cool. This move elevates hypermanager to the supervisory role. He is now ultimately responsible for the performance of the group. Hypermanager has passed on all his daily responsibilities (INCLUDING CHECKLISTS) to me. Also, the stupid kid situation has not improved. I am now delayed approximately two hours every morning dealing with stupid’s funds. I feel I should be paid for those two hours out of his salary.

Ok, I was going to make this a long boring post about work, but can’t because I’m swamped. It sure is a good thing I’ve got a nice long drive ahead of me in about two weeks time. Sure is.


recommended download:
anything by Phantom Planet


Anonymous said...

I think that on Dan Goldin Day everyone should go around singing Not Goldin Nor Silber. It should be like the Jingle Bells of Dan Goldin Day.

Also, I'd like to point out that you can get Yuengling like all the way down the East Coast south of New York. They actually have a brewery in Florida in addition to the one in PA.

Tom said...

and I agree about the song.

Donny said...

Jackie, the tour in Pottsville is great. If you and Steve are looking for a day trip someday, the Yuengling Brewery should be your destination. While I was there I even saw Dick Yuengling. Whoa.

Speaking of great songs from BU: Jackie, you should post the words of your DNA song. I can't remember any of them, but I thought they were great, and good for party situations.

Tom said...


talkin' bout de-oxyribonucleic acid, it's in the cells of you and me
talkin' bout de-oxyribonucleic acid it determines how we look in our genes...

Donny said...

I always thought it was "it determines how we look in our jeans" as in a good butt is genetic. I'm guessing you're correct, but I like my version better.

Fun with homophones!

Tom said...

Jackie always made a point to say "that's spelled g-e-n-e-s" at the end of the song, precisely because homophones are so much fun.

Donny said...

Now that you say that, I remember the disclaimer at the end of the song.

Tom said...

You know, I'm really waiting for Jackie to find this comment thread and clarify this discussion.



You hear that Jackie? Anytime now...
