Monday, November 07, 2005

Nine Lives

Nine days ‘til the Midwest. New time zones, new people, new words for every day things like subs, Coke, and water fountains.


recommended download:
The Beatles, Within You Without You


mance01 said...

Do you guys call them "Cokes" in Boston? I thought that was a southern thing. And what are the translations for subs and water fountains?

Tom said...

actually, I call it "tonic" but most people around here disagree with me. water fountain is correct, sub is correct, but I've heard "bubbler" and "hoagie," and "grinder"

also, here in the northeast, we don't have "brats"

mance01 said...

Yeah, when I lived in Chicago we called them pop and hoagies. I was pretty curious as to the alternative for "water fountain." And "tonic?" What's up with that? :-p