Thursday, November 18, 2004

Maybe yesterday was laundry day

Ok, so today cute girl is hot. Tight black-and-tan sweater (black stripes thick on the bottom, thin on top, tan stripes thin on the bottom thick on top), straight floor-length black pants (the flowy know the ones I mean), and black shoes with about an inch heel. Def. best-dressed today, until she puts on her blue coat and ugly scarf to go outside.

Also, for those of you unfamiliar with Dan Goldin, or Dan Goldin Day here's a brief wrap-up
BU had elected him prez, decided to throw him a party and gave everyone the day off last Nov. 17th (2003) then, when they booted him, they were going to cancel the day off which would have forced me to take an exam for which I wasn't prepared. However, cool guys that the BU trustees are, they decided to give us the day off anyway, thus saving me from a sure failure. Consequently, I took an oath that day to celebrate Dan Goldin and the role he played in the debacle, by celebrating "Dan Goldin Day" every Nov. 17th (observed friday, see earlier post for schedule for the week of 11/15). Also, it's much easier to say and remember than "Nov. 17th, I-lucked-out-and-got-extra-time-to-study-for-a-big-exam day" :)


Johnny Sapphire said...

OK, so what's with the girl. Ask out the girl. What's the worst that can happen?

Tom said...

ok, first of all, she's like 29
second, live-in boyfriend
third, she says no and we work side-by-side awkwardly until one of us gets laid off or transferred
but that's not worst case scenario
worst case I ask her out, she turns out to be 22, the live-in boyfriend is really a brother or platonic roommate, we hang out all the time, I help her pick out clothes, she gives meaning to my life, and when we're perfectly content I screw it up, because that's what I do, and she disowns me, takes up with the until-now platonic roommate, turns my coworkers against me, and I end up not only single, but heartbroken as well.

but really, she's like 29

Johnny Sapphire said...

Dude. I thought I was messed up. Time to move on, mon ami.