Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Has anybody heard from John?

(alt. title: "gmail is great")

me: dude
what's the story?
John: hey there
whats up
no story
per se
me: how is work
John: just been crazy insane busy
me: how is daniel
John: work = good
me: how is daniel's family
John: daniel = surprising good
fam = awesome
car = bought
me: how is speaking spanish all the time
John: meh
classes every day from 9-11
then work 11-4
then other work 4-8
me: nice and busy
John: then apartment moving junk 8-10
then sleep
me: how is the local cuisine?
John: yummy
though i might have cholera from the water
me: right
John: yes
me: how are the bugs
John: bugs?
me: I imagine there are lots of disease carrying bugs
John: oh
me: mosquitoes among them
John: i guess so
were in the tropics
but in the mountains
so in addition to banana trees
there are also pines
the weather is cool
and nice
so not a lot of jungle bugs
me: ok, so no bugs, just mountain goats,
and mountain lions
John: um
me: and boa constrictors
John: its a city of 3 million i think
me: and drug lords
John: YES
me: how are the drugs
John: in masarattis
me: sweet
John: masarati?
pretty car
John: ok, gotta go



craziasian said...

i love rapid fire questioning. it is the only way to communicate.

craziasian said...

p.s. you never comment in my blog anymore. that is LAME AND UNACCEPTABLE. stupid RS reader.

Tom said...

I can't see your goofy videos from work, that's why I don't comment on your blog anymore. Because work is stupid.

I'm going to try to get a new job soon. THINGS CHANGE BABAY

craziasian said...

i post written entries too. you could comment on them.

I stand by my belief that RS readers are the death of commenting.

Tom said...

That's not a belief, it's an observation. Also, I commented earlier today.

Donny said...

What's an RS?

Tom said...

Donny, see this post and check out this google search result

craziasian said...
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craziasian said...

it can be a belief if I believe it.

and if you are anonymous commenting, then stop it. there is only room for one anonymous man in my life.