Monday, April 17, 2006

Get up, get out

I keep a list of days that should be national holidays. The list is called "Days nobody should have to work"

Most of the current national holidays are on there: Christmas, Fourth of July, etc.

Over time I have slowly added to the list as new days come up.

You may all be familiar with my quest to bring Dan Goldin Day to the people of the United States.

This past weekend I learned of another: Yuri's Night. It's a celebration to commemorate the anniversary of the first manned earth orbit.

Today is one too. You might know it as Easter Monday, or Patriot's Day, or Marathon Monday.

As far as today being Easter Monday: All I'm saying is if the stock market closes for Good Friday what's the deal with them being open on Easter Monday? Ireland's closed today, you know why? Because it's Easter Monday.

Patriot's Day: We can't take a day off of work to celebrate those brave colonialists who threw off the yoke of oppression way back when three-cornered hats were all the rage? Callous. We've got Independence day to celebrate our wacky independence, but no day to cheer for the heroes that made it possible.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY it's Marathon Monday. The day the Boston Marathon is run. The only day the Red Sox play a morning game (designed to finish just as the first wave of runners pass through Kenmore Square. Imagine a see of thirty-six thousand crazy Red Sox fans rolling out of Fenway just as the leaders pass through Kenmore. The crowds that were six people deep are all-of-a-sudden twenty deep. The cheers are deafening. These are fans and they know encouragement. MOST IMPORTANTLY this is the day you get your twelve pack and carry it out onto Beacon street and scream your head off for the runners, and the wheelchairers while getting drunk in the middle of Beacon street.


It should totally be a national holiday. People in California should be taking six packs into the middle of their streets and drinking and cheering for people running three thousand miles away. Or they can cheer because they love those brave patriots who fought for their brand new country two hundred thirty years ago. Or because it's Easter Monday.

Or just cheer because they don't have to go in to work.

That's reason enough for me to cheer.


Anonymous said...

You missed a close-parenthesis and misspelt "see". All in one paragraph!

Tom said...

Yep, I know. This post took thirty seconds to write (ha, can't you tell?)

It's 1:10 right now and this is the first time I've looked up from all the work on my desk. This sucks.

I threw in a link to an article, but that's the extent of my editing. I am way to busy for this to be my almost-last week.

mance01 said...

um, so are you just staring at the work at your desk? cause i know you're not working. :-p