Monday, April 17, 2006

The universe does not have laws, it has habits...and habits can be broken.

Jitterbug Perfume, by Tom Robbins is a kick-ass book.

I have recently rededicated myself to reading (yay reading!). I've got about a shelf full of books I plan to read, but I'm always looking for other good ones.

Mostly I'm looking for books that are kick-ass. Quotable. Fun.

Know any?


Donny said...

Geek Love by Katherine Dunn

Tom said...

Though, I am hesitant to read anything recommended by Donny because he's provided me with such titles as "Many Waters" by that "wrinkle in time" guy and that "Life of Pi" book.

Nevertheless, "Geek Love" is certainly a kick ass title and I will probably be picking that up.

Unless Donny wants to rescind his statement and put an actual kick-ass book on the list.

(Now's your chance Donny)

Donny said...

Do you know what "geek" refers to yet?

Tom said...

I assume it refers to the protagonist. I have no knowledge of the book except your original comment with title and author, and now your second comment suggesting something a bit unorthodox may be going on.

mance01 said...

It's that "wrinkle in time" GIRL actually. also, read the book I brought you, punk. there's a whole'll keep you busy for a while. :-p

Tom said...

That one's already on the shelf. I'm looking for other kick-ass books. I thought this post made that clear.

Kick-ass like Jitterbug Perfume and The Cold Six Thousand and the first nine hundred and fifty pages of Atlas Shrugged

Donny said...

A "geek" is a carnival performer who bites the heads off of chickens.

Donny said...

I'm also really enjoying the books by David Sedaris.

Anonymous said...

Oh, David Sedaris! Good, and probably something TE would def enjoy. Want another fun read? Try one of Gregory Maguire's books: Wicked, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Mirror Mirror.