Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Blue Room

We all have dreams, everyone of us, and I'm sure I get distracted at times, I'm sure I stop paying attention to my dreams. We have to, I think, to let them simmer. I know that mine get placed aside in the day-to-day, and they hold a special place, for me, because they're not always in the forefront. I like to be reminded of my dreams.
Some of you may have read my earlier post, about producing. I'd written that after thinking about a play that absolutely floored me. Tonight, I saw another play. It was good. It brought that dream back into the light. I'll think about that theater for the next few days, and about actors who transform ideas into real live people. There's a world there, it's a world I'd like to be part of, and haven't yet. In its own time, I think it will happen. That's what dreams are for: to come true. Right?

tonight's recommended downloads:
Fleetwood Mac, Landslide
Stephen Kellogg, Anthem Of Our Discovery

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the P-r next to my livejournal link? Am I a pirate now? If so, I still have no idea how you made this connection, but I'll definitely consider it for my next Halloween costume.