Friday, April 15, 2005

Drunk Notebook

I had my notebook with me last night. I was writing in it. Here's the transcript:


We had the "April 14th party at Greatest Bar" tonight. I met Donna Laura and I finally asked Ashley out. And she said "I have a boyfriend now." First of all WTF I'll totally kick his ass. Second of all Abbey is cool, so is Donna. Third of all I won't finish this thought cuz the T's here. Damn. Alcohol rocks.

I called Adina, Beth, & John... & then I called Adina, I remember she laughed a lot. then I might have called Kelly (TX) maybe
Then I called Beth to say "hi" and I don't know what else
I think the end.
I love alcohol.

2nd drunk entry

I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said "timing sucks," or "timing is bad" or something similar with "timing" but she does "want to be friends" and I don't stop by her desk as often since the move.
I don't think I'll remember this much. Rely on Adina's memory, or Beth's voicemail.
met: Donna, Laura, Ashley, Lisa talked to Mike about resp. about more resp. Don't remember much else. love alcohol!

3rd entry

I am totally confused
I don't know which way I'm heading
I don't recognize the OLP songs on my playlist
Somewhere Out There, Innocent?
don't recognize

Don't. Recognize.

I love it
I am worried by it.


"I love life more than life itself"
The people on the T are maybe wondering why every 30 seconds I am grabbing this notebook from my bag & scribbling notes between stops I don't care

I love life I love everyone that makes life life EVERYONE IN THE WORLD IS PERFECT

(listening to OLP: Gravity)



I am Angry
I am Drunk

which one will win out?
we'll see in the morning,
I think.


mance01 said...

Keeping a notebook while intoxicated = Genius and a little bit impressive. I wrote myself a note once and I had one hell of a time trying to read it the next day.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the play-by-play, Bridget Jones

mance01 said...

I think the new link to my blog is more accurate...makes me look crazy, but they say here in the south "tell the truth, spite the devil!" Thanks :) BTW, I'm the oldest of five in a Catholic family...and I can name my siblings too :-p

Anonymous said...

For some reason, this picture looks familiar...