Monday, February 07, 2005

I have a dream

Everyone should -and I have one.

I want to own and operate a successful community theater. That's my dream. One of those tiny theaters made from a converted victorian house, with seating for only about a hundred, with a big lawn outside that's used as a parking lot on show nights. Where during intermission the audience is encouraged to go downstairs to the snackbar. There isn't any room so they go in single file down narrow stairs into the basement and file past a counter or a table with small cups of homemade trailmix and drinks poured from giant three liter soda bottles. They shuffle past a small jar labeled "donations appreciated" on a stand with playbills and schedules for upcoming shows. A little place. Where we can produce plays that mean something. Where actors, and directors, and crew can come and create, bring the written word to life. I want to find theater people, who love what they do, and who are good at it, whose only concern is putting on a good show. Sound guys who do things the old fashioned way, with props and not synthesizers. Lighting guys who can create scenery and set changes using just spots, filters, and highlights. But most of all, most of all actors and writers. People who know the theater and who have plays they love as much as breathing. Those are the people I want to put on stage. In plays that mean something. Because theater is an art in danger of dying out. It's not something you do on a friday night to kill some time. You don't just decide to go out to a play. I want to put on plays with meaning. So when you do stop by, you leave with something, you feel something. I want to be a part of that. I'd like to be a major part of that. That's my dream.

recommended download:
Cake, Opera Singer

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