Monday, February 07, 2005

May I never blog again

I have so much work to do.

I can't even believe it. So much work.
We switched funds. I thought I was getting easy ones. Nope, the Ireland fund is crazy. And totally not balanced. And hasn't been balanced for like three years. That's trouble.
We have to do budgets. Budgets eat up a lot of time. A lot of time. I hate budgets.
I'm also in charge of this stupid archiving crap. That's just stupid. But I'm in charge. I hate corporate america.

Is it because I'm a good worker? The managers recognize my diligence and get-it-done-ed-ness? maybe. Or maybe I just lucked out with the exact perfect amount of work that fills up my day and eats into (get it?) my lunch hour.

I have had time today to do these unrelatedtowork things:
read the Sports Guy column on
write this blog entry.
eat a powerbar for lunch.
that's all.

This is my first post in what feels like a week. I hope I don't have any fans out there clamouring for more posts. I'm swamped.

Oh, also, I haven't had time to make any more paper clip sculptures. My art is suffering. And I still need to find some crazy glue.

Ok, back to the Ireland fund. And the work that I'm not doing. And those budgets.
this is Tom
signing off...
for good?


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bowling for soup, emily

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