Thursday, February 03, 2005


My posts lately suck. I don't think I've written a decent post in like a week. I was just rereading a few of the more recent entries and they suck. It's stress. Stress is killing me. Me, The-Guy-Who-Doesn't-Understand-The-Meaning-Of-The-Word-Stress. Everyone else's stress is killing me. Working next to Chuck who complains all the time. And with hyper-manager who berrates all the time. and budgets at the begining of the month which would be easy except the clients don't ever send updated expense information. and the recent promotion of a lowly fa to senior fa threw the group out of whack. Everyone else's stress is killing me. You know that daffy duck cartoon where he's fighting with the animator, and the screen starts falling on him, the black borders droop and he's holding them up and flipping out? man I love that cartoon.

staying with the poppy-punk bandwagon
greend day: american idiot


Anonymous said...

tom, i wasn't going to admit it, but i'm going to tell you. i've skimmed this blog like SEVEN times. i can't seem to actually focus on the words and read it. i don't know why. please post another entry. love, adina

Anonymous said...

ah, optimism, my long lost friend...good to know you are not immune to stress and are doing work too, though really, you'd never guess. F