Friday, February 29, 2008

Time Served

Folks, this is just a friendly reminder to disregard all of those newspaper articles and blog posts claiming today is an "extra" day in the calendar year. Those reports are totally bogus.

Leap Day isn't a bonus, it's backpay.

The earth orbits the sun once every 365.25 "days" (a roughly 24hr period) and since man decided to start counting, he has tried to cram everything into nice ordered little boxes.

Doesn't work. Nature's more complicated. That extra time gets taken away from you in non-leap years! Taken away.

So, don't celebrate leap year and do something crazy because this is a day you wouldn't otherwise have, instead, get indignant! This is a day owed you by the calendar-mongers, and time-keepers.

Every year! A quarter of a day taken away from you! Just think what you could do with that time when it was fresh! Not stored away for years until there's enough of it to see clearly. A quarter day means 6 more hours of sleep January 1st after your New Year's Hangover! 6 hours!

You could use that time to study for your final exams the night before! No more cramming!

You could spread it out and never be late for work!

What would I do? Well, I'd probably save up until I had a whole days worth. And then treat it like a bonus day.

Besides, if I had to carry it around all year with me I might lose it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A leap of logic I can second. Hear, hear!