Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Monday Meeting is supposed to take place on Monday.

Why, sure, I'd love another group meeting, we only had one last week. What's on the agenda today?

Introductions for the new girl who joined the group Monday. (Hey, guys, it's Thursday...introductions were taken care of Monday, you know, when she started)

Tech Support updates. (Nothing new to report? Really? You mean the requests you sent for your pet projects that you've been talking about for three months are still sitting in the IT inbox? Unread? So your report is "nothing to report." Great.)

Brand new organizational chart! (Damn I am so excited, the last one of these we saw was pretty blasé, all grey and black. Maybe this one will have some yellow or red, with arrows! It really is a shame we only get these once a week. New org charts would be a huge hit on a daily basis.)

Finally, new responsibilities! Yay! The most experienced guy is moving to another group! Everybody else gets bumped up one spot, I get moved from the medium difficulty funds to the really giant hard funds, sweet. Today international mutual funds, tomorrow, the world!

Thanks for giving up an hour of your processing time, now get back to work and make sure you still get everything finished by the afternoon deadline!

Stupid Meetings.

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