Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My (Lack of) Performance Review

In my previous post I mentioned that "Cleaning" wasn't in my job description. What then, I wondered, was in my job description?

So I pulled it off the company website and have transcribed a somewhat abbreviated form here, with commentary in red.

To provide fund administration accounting and partner allocation and/or shareholder services

Well, that seems pretty straighforward. Let's save the criticism and sarcastic observations for later.

Where applicable; perform the following functions:
Process trades for assigned funds - Woo! I can to that one! That gets a big 'ol checkmark

Reconcile cash on a daily basis and obtain signoff from Account Manager - What's that about the Account Manager? We're supposed to see them on a daily basis? Signoff?

Reconcile holdings to Prime Broker and/or Investment Manager and obtain signoff from AM - Again with the AM approval, what's this all about?

Calculate Net Asset Value
Perform reconciliations to prime broker and/or portfolio manager
Caclulate income and expense accruals - I definitely don't know how to do that.

Prepare NAV package
Maintain general ledger - If I had to guess, I'd say that's some type of excel spreadsheet. I don't even know what hard drive that's saved on.

Calculate management fees - Can't do that.

Process and maintain records for shareholder and partner contributions and withdrawals - Who the hell are the partners?

Prepare cashflows for review and send to investment managers - I have never sent anything to anybody. Six months, folks.

Prepare wires for subscription and redemption monies - I think I've written about one hundred seventeen posts about what I don't know about wires.

Calculate performance-based incentive fees - I can tell you right now, if I'm involved, there's zero performance.

I think I'd be a little concerned if this came up at a managerial review, but I've never had one.

Sitting down and reading it now I'm starting to feel tremors. If my job performance ever is reviewed, I'm going to get fired.


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