Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How do you say "The Cleaner" in French?

Last week sometime our VP's executive secretary sent out a company-wide email which I immediately deleted.

Today she resent it, you know, as a reminder. A reminder for... Cleaning Day!

First, before we get to the highlights, I'd just like to ask, for propriety's sake, wtf, mate?

On Thursday (12/14) 10:00 - 12:00 is going to be dedicated to the
Clean up effort on both the 9th and 17th floors.

Everyone needs to participate in this.

Pizza will be delivered at noon and jeans can be worn.

We will be sending out a document on the retention/destruction policy.

Also as a reminder: anything that will be thrown away, make sure to use the shredding boxes for any financial records.

What needs to be cleaned? ...Everything!! Please make sure each
empty cube is free of all trash/boxes/files etc.

The file cabinets needs to be gone through and archive whatever can be archived or throw away whatever can be thrown away. Each closet should be emptied out of all boxes/files/trash. The printer stations need to be cleaned of all boxes/trash and all counters and shelves need to be cleaned too!

So, listen. I want no part of this. None. I plan to take a nice long two hour break and wander the city. Maybe I'll catch a movie, or see a play at the Opera House - I'm sure they've got a Thursday matinee - maybe STOMP is in town.

I'm a mutual fund accountant. I'm not a sanitation engineer, nor am I a janitor, I am not Jean Reno from La Femme Nikita, or Harvey Keitel in the shameful American knock-off Point of No Return.

I'm here to tie out funds. "Clean trash/boxes/files" is not in my job description.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

umm..."le cleaner."