Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The meme stops here.

Ok, Jayne tagged me for the 5 things meme.

But the buck stops here.

Five things you do know about me:

1. I hate my job.
2. I don't know how to get a job I don't hate.
3. I hated my old job.
4. I hate my job.
5. I write about this a lot.

But, seriously, I don't know if I can come up with five things you don't know about me. My life is an open book.

Five Things you had NO IDEA about me:

1. Summer of before my freshman year of college my grandmother bought me a trip on a replica whaler. I helped harpoon a sperm whale near the Artic Circle. But he was too small so we threw him back.

2. As much as I say I love flannel, I really only own one flannel shirt.

3. I can blink faster than the speed of light. There, I just did. (I always win staring contests.)

4. I lost my left ring finger in a table-tennis-table-folding accident when I was twelve. Since then I've worn a (very-convincing) prothesis.

5. I once punched a girl in the face. Actually it was a kitten.

And that's five things you didn't know about me.



Anonymous said...

Way to punch a kitten, jerk.

And I totally know a whole lot more about you than the average reader. (Makes sense being brothers and all)

jayniek said...

the kitten part was my faaaaavorite.

Anonymous said...

I knew a guy that lost his ring finger in a tragic dunking booth incident. He used to sit behind me in class and sniff my hair. Until he went crazy and hit the Dean in the head with an industrial hygiene textbook.

man my life is weird.