Monday, December 11, 2006


My haircut is big news:

"Whoah. Quick, look at this Steve, before he sits down, show-and-tell over here."

"Yeah, Buffalo, Tom got a big haircut over the weekend. Tom, I like it."

"High-and-tight, huh? High-and-tight. Gone with the skinhead look, huh? High-and-tight."

But I'm tired, it's Monday morning, and I just want them to shut up shut up. I should have expected it - of course my hair is big news. It's exactly the sort of thing that would get noticed, like a hot pink shirt, or plaid pants.

For the rest of the day I'll be saddled with the nightmare fund reporting and a near-constant "high-and-tight" refrain from Buffalo.

I'm going out to get a gingerbread latte from dunkin donuts asap.


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