Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's not a blog, it's a cry for help

I've got two and a half hours left today, then eight hours Wednesday and eight hours Thursday and eight hours Friday to sit here and do nothing.

Nothing to do but post.

I killed most of yesterday browsing amazon.com rating books, dvds and video games I own, and adding others to my wish list. If I keep up the current pace I should work my way through the entire amazon catalouge by Friday afternoon.

Then I'll be left with nothing at all to do anywhere.

I'd prefer constructive activities (wish listing is only semi-constructive) to mindless busy work, but right now even mindless busy work is looking pretty good.

As long as it's quiet, and easily hidden when coworkers walk buy with curious glances (my model railroad idea never really got on track).

Last week I found a page of fifteen brain teasers. I took my time, spent the afternoon going over them, not rushing, and in the end only had to look up the answer to #1 (which, of course, now seems obvious).

Solving puzzles for the next two months certainly doesn't seem like a total waste of time, but finding good puzzles to solve online certainly is.

I'm open to suggestions. In fact, I'm begging for them. What can I do to keep my brain active and non-exploded?


Anonymous said...

you can buy me lots of presents.

Anonymous said...

you could read this book. and then try to copy him. that would take a while.


Donny said...

I brought those brain teasers to Thanksgiving dinner. They were a hit with about half the guests. I thought #1 was easy. I still can't figure out some of the others. I have no idea about the globe - not North Pole questions. I am also stumped on the turning over coins while blind-folded.

Anonymous said...

I hear that you don't check your email all that often, so perhaps the best way to reach you is via blog. I hear you're driving down for Philonye...and as luck would have it, driving is the only way I can get there. Please have a spot for me, please...

Tom said...

Who'd you hear that from? I've got my email open all day long. Hit me up there.

Anonymous said...

Try Babble. http://www.playbabble.com/

Tom said...

Right, also, I forgot to mention, my computer was manufactured back in 1976 and is bigger than I am.

Any online activity that requires quicktime, flash, flickr, youtube, or more processing power than the google homepage is pretty much out.

Sarah said...

Join Netflix and go to their site. I am on it all day browsing for movies to add to my queue. Also go here: http://www.filmwise.com/invisibles/index.shtml

It's fun.