Saturday, November 04, 2006

Five for Five

Last Monday after work, I went home.

Then for the next four days I was out drinking.

Tuesday: Cousin's Halloween party. I hadn't planned it, but had a blast, and (more than) a few margaritas.

Wednesday: Tony's last night out. He quit, we all got drunk and watched the Celtics.

Thursday: Michael's last night out. He quit, we all got drunk, played video golf, and watched the Bruins.

Friday: A house-warming party at Tom and Mo's new apartment. I headed over at eight and didnt' get back until one in the morning.

Four out of five ain't bad.

And now it's Saturday, so who knows where the night may end?


(that's rhetorical, don't feel like you need to guess in the comments)


Donny said...

You should have come to the Boggle Tournament at my apartment. My longest word was lettuces, but that was vetoed as it's not really a word.

Tom said...

That's totally a word.

I would have given you credit for it.