Monday, October 23, 2006

A Sense of the Infinite

I have no desire to do work today. This is an entirely recent development.

I woke up early, four minutes before my alarm, invigorated, and ready to start the day. I know you've been there sometime. That extra four minutes seems like the window to the universe. You can do anything in that small moment. Small increments of time stretch to encompass all time, forever. Inifinity exists in the pre-alarm time. It's a wonderful thing to experience.

So, I got up to take a shower, turned on the water, stepped in, and that's where things went horribly wrong.

I mean for my enthusiasm. Not my physical person.

I don't know exactly what happened to damp down, and stamp out my energy, but something did. It may have been the temperature of the water...too hot, not hot enough, exactly the right temperature to sap strength and vigor; it may have been my shampoo; soap- who knows?

Maybe it was SportsCenter. I watched about ten minutes before leaving for work. It was the normal football wrap-up. I'm pretty sure it wasn't SportsCenter.

The train ride? The music I was listening to on the train? The book I was reading?

I can only say for certain that right now, at this moment, I have no desire to work, at all, ever.

Which, at this place, really doesn't mean much at all. Now all I'm doing is trying to decide between a two-hour coffee break to finish my book, or searching the web for advanced lock-picking techniques. You never know when they might come in handy.


recommended download:
Neil Young, Needle and the Damage Done
Foreigner, Jukebox Heroe


Tom said...

wow, easy, there abby, I'm not depressed. I'm just not productive. Well, not at work, anyway. I have updated all of my links though.


e$ said...

it was definitely the shower. The shower is always a "make it or break it" deal.

mance01 said...

You should've had French Toast. That probably would've helped. :)

Tom said...

French toast is delicious. But that would mean waking up at least fifteen minutes earlier. And those fifteen minutes of sleep are precious, precious minutes.
