Friday, October 20, 2006

Use It Toni-i-i-i-i-i-ght!

Gin is still leeching from my pores. Blech.

Who was it that invented the martini? Who was it that invented gin, for that matter? I'd like to punch the lot of them in the mouth, and then steal their gin-making recipe.

I started with the martini. It was awful. I was disgusted. That is a taste I will choose not to acquire. I chased it with seven Jacks & Coke.

And the gin is still leeching from my pores.

Also I am slightly hungover. Just enough that right after I'd showered this morning I couldn't remember if I had showered already.

Which isn't that bad. I get the same way after a sugar bender: Loss of short-term memory, papery tongue, gin leeching.

Oh, wait, no. The gin leeching is from the martini. Blech!

Well, if you've slogged through that, here are some thoughts on the BLOG! party, aka Blogtoberfest:

I really expected there to be about six people who were cool, and forty people who...definitely were not.

But, as it turns out, there were like thirty cool people (and loads of people over thirty! haha! Hey, old folks!) some, but not all, of the cool people were:

Jenny took pictures and I was warned away twice from touching her camera because "It's her baby. If you dropped it, she would, like, kill you, seriously."

No worries though. I spent four years in a photo shop, I've handled tons of photo equipment, also, I'm a homosapien and come with the standard fine motor skills and hand-eye-coordination. And at that point I'd only had two drinks.

Sarah was way taller than anyone had guessed. Erin was way shorter than I had guessed. Both were very cool and funny, though I'm pretty sure Erin was at no point during the night either chain-smoking or vomitting on the sidewalk.

Maybe it happened, though, I left at 10:30.

Oh, and, I got home just, in, time, to see the bottom of the ninth inning of the Mets/Cards game. WHAT A PITCH! It was awesome. Also, yeah, that sucks for everyone who would have had the day off today because their boss happens to root for the Mets - because you're probably at work right now while you're reading this.

Nathan was pretty cool, though I certainly don't come off as such based on the description he gave me on his blog. "Work and Fantasy Football?" No one says you have to accurately report what happened last night! I was going to say that Nathan is a career spy for the CIA. Oh, also, Erin was totally puking behind the bar while simultaneously chain-smoking, and taking straight vodka through an intravenous line. And Jenny and Sarah totally made out. Also Hooker shaved his head, right there at the bar. Man what a crazy night. Then there were ninjas.

Ok, maybe Jane (a real-life journalist) might be a stickler for accurate reporting, on the other hand, Hunter Thompson wasn't always accurate, and he founded an entire branch of journalism! (Gonzo Journalism) And at least two movies were written about him (Bill Murray,Where The Buffalo Roam; Johnny Depp, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas)!

I'm forgetting people. After about five drinks (four? five?) I ended up at a table full of engineers. That was great. Electrical and Network. Oh, those crazy engineers. What stories. I really can't repeat them.

Ah, and I met some other cool people. Jaynie, and her bbffb (best-boy-friend-forever-buddy? who knows what abbreviations are out there nowadays?) one with a blog, both voracious commenters. Voracious is the wrong word. Prolific.

Also I met Hooker and Jon and exactly six other people who I thought were cool and have NO IDEA who they are. Time will tell, I expect. It's not that I'm bad with names or faces, it's just that I'm better with URLs.

Heads up everyone for the next Boston Bloggers Conference Festival of Blogging, we're thinking end of January, begining of February.

Be warned: It will be a flanel-themed party.


recommended download:
Mission of Burma, Nicotine Bomb
The New Pornographers, The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism


mance01 said...

Seriously, if you're going to be obsessed with flannel, you should at least learn how to spell it.



Tom said...

Whatever dude. That's too many n's. If you're going to double up on any of those letters, double the last L.

mmm. Flanell.


e$ said...

oh, BURNNN with the flannel!! And with the blog title!


sounds like a good name for a new cleaning product. Or a sandwich. I'm hungry.

mance01 said...

I'm with Erin. "Flanell" sounds like a hand sanitizer.

And I'm always up for a sandwich.

craziasian said...

i am all about you changing your blog name. how about "That Guy" or "Tom Boy" or something equally as obvious.

jayniek said...

i would definitely buy flanell as a cleaning product.

or a portuguese dessert.

also, i uphold my suggestion that the next 'fest be held at the LLBean Factory store. FlannelanuaryFest.

Lori said...

Its baby blogger!! We can make it a flannel PJ parties plagiarized after a Diddy White Party.

Love your friendly neighborhood Network Engineer.

Tom said...

Did that comment make sense to anyone? Baby Blogger? Diddy?



mance01 said...

I assume baby because you were the youngest (?) one there?

You're on your own with the diddy thing though :-p

Tom said...

Oh, right. That was mentioned. Yes, I was the youngest there (except, apparently, Stacey, but that hasn't been confirmed).

I did make fun of the old guys. bwahahaha.


Anonymous said...

It's true - I was the baby there. I'm a mere 25 and the old folks have me beat. :)

To Be Announced said...

I promised I'd comment you today and here I am! See? I did remember, even after the martinis. So now I'm afraid mine is one of the blogs you found highly un-funny. Go ahead, I can take it!

Anonymous said...

Diddy = P. Diddy, the artist formerly known as Puff Daddy

Tom said...

Twenty-five? I am the youngest. Cripes.

East Coast Teacher said...

Flannel fest it is.

Don't think I met you last night, but wanted to mention that your 'recap' of the event was hilarious.

A flannel-fest sounds fun!

Anonymous said...

Yo! Tom! Here's what I have to say:

"Suddenly the whole thing became clear to me. These people were on a different frequency--like Mr. Kenneth from Park Avenue.
"The real horror came when we finally packed up and tried to drive back to town.
"And now, as we rolled around crazily in the black October sky, he was jabbering nervously about 'trying again,' if we had enough gas...
"But that dike will not hold forever, and when it finally breaks there will be bodies all over the landscape hanging grotesquely in the tangled branches like the coots and the cormorants and the bloated white pelican carcasses in the trees around Carson Sink."

JB said...

The event sounds like a bit hit.
I never knew there were so many Boston bloggers until I stumbled upon the blogfest link.

Tom said...

Dude. It was totally a bit hit. It was a bitter hit than all previous hits that were bit.



PS, all for adopting "bit" to replace "big," especially when used in conjunction with "hit" please raise your hands.

Good. Now put them down, people will be wondering what you're doing.