Friday, August 04, 2006


If you're sitting there reading over this post and thinking to yourself "Oh, I say that sometimes! Well, he can't possibly mean me because when I say it it's always cute/topical/clever/or endearing" you're wrong, and this is meant especially for you.

It's never "cute." Knock it off.

  • When people refer to Dunkin' Donuts as "Dunks."

  • Saying "Dunkie's" is acceptable, but it must be used sparingly and only in mixed company.

  • "Barnes and NobleS." There's only one 'S'! If you must stick an 's' on the end just go with the proper name: Barnes and Noble Booksellers.

  • Anyone who refers to their home state of Massachusetts as "Mass." That is completely unacceptable, if you must abbreviate then I urge you to use the official postal abbreviation "MA," which is pronounced "Em - Ay.

  • There are only a handful of state names long enough to prompt abbreviation and do you really want to be in the same boat as those west-coast hippies who refer to theirs as "Callie"? No. Now go get a haircut.

  • Oh, ditto for "tax-achusetts." If you don't like the taxes, move to New Hampshire. If you don't mind the taxes, shut it.

  • Anyone who prefers Starbucks coffee to Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts brews far superior coffee. Starbucks lovers, you're wrong. You're probably all Yankee fans too.



Anonymous said...

too funny. dh and i don't like Starbucks and ummmmm we're Yankee fans.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Yankees (with an "s") fan and drink Green Mountain coffee brewed at home.

Donny said...

Can I call my state "Wisco"?

craziasian said...

can i call my home state "dirty jersey"?

Anonymous said...

Adina, your home state IS Dirty Jersey - to refer to it as anything else would be a lie.

Tom, I refer to Massachusetts sometimes as Mass. So shoot me.

I also prefer Dunkin' to Starbucks on any given day... and I'm a hardcore Yankees fan.

e$ said...

Can I refer to Boston as "the bee-oh-ess"?


Anonymous said...

guilty of #2.

but to my defense i say it like "i'm going to barnes and noble's" (establishment implied). much like i would say "i'm going over to adina's" (home implied).

dunkin donuts is the best coffee and the yankees are going to win the AL east.

Tom said...

e$, yes, you can call it "the B-O-S"

rosy, as long as the possessive is implied, intentional, and emphasized, that's fine, keep your head up for any glares though, you might need to explain yourself.

Lindsay, you don't count, you're a New Yorker.