Thursday, June 08, 2006

Six of one

I'm writing to let you all know that I've been conversing via email with John, Samantha, Lindsay, and Donny today. I have twenty emails in my inbox containing conversations about the following:

(1) the price of a vodka tonic, the famed Russian proclivity for vodka, and comments on the modern ingredients and method of making vodka with an opinion on where the best vodkas now come from;

(2) foosball, origins of, possible derivations for the name foosball, a brief history of the game and a link from google to some interesting websites dedicated to the topic;

(3) criteria that make a bar a good place for a company function, including but not limited to foosball, low level lighting, an attractive waitstaff, cheap drinks and tvs;

(4) talk about new jobs, both my own and other people's;

(5) tentative travel plans for September;

(6) discussion and clarification of Donny's eyelash injury.

So riddle me this:

Besides the automatic company instituted archival procedure that will lock these conversations up in a dedicated encrypted server for the next fifteen years so the IT department, or government, or outside auditors can amuse themselves by reading them sometime in the future - how is this any different from Instant Messaging?


P.S. How many of you out there read the title "six of one" and thought to yourself "Is this post about the Borg? Because the title sounds like 'Seven of Nine' and she was a Borg, though, it actually reverses the naming protocol." ?

Those of you with your hands raised are nerds.

P.P.S. How many of you read that post script and thought "Man, Seven of Nine was the lamest character ever. You want a cool Borg you should pick Hugh or Locutus from Star Trek: The Next Generation because those guys kicked ass."

You folks are double nerds.

RECOMMENDED DOWNLOAD: (I'm serious here guys)

The Ike Reilly Assassination, My Wasted Friends


mance01 said...

I think that anyone that makes an algorithm composed of very detailed Star Trek references in order to categorize people as either "nerds" or "double nerds" a triple nerd. :-p

e$ said...

dude locutous or whatever is the best. But not as much of the best as the Q.

the Q is seriously the best.

But I have no idea what you're talking about with this seven of nine bullshit, so what level of nerd am I?

Tom said...

Q rocks. No question. That's like saying "who is the greatest rock band ever?" Because as much as you want to debate old rock v. new rock or Guns n Roses v. Nirvana, or The Who v. anyone it stands that Queen is totally exempt from discusison because they are in a class all to themselves. Like Q.

Seven of Nine is the character Jeri Ryan played on Stark Trek: Voyager after the second season when the producers decided to add some sex appeal in the form of a reformed borg in a skintight jumpsuit with minimal metal parts who happened to be a hot female.

As for nerd level? You're maybe half a nerd? Because you not only know Q and Locutus but you also like them. On the other hand, you're old so maybe Star Trek was cool in your heyday. Plus, you're a smoker, so that ups your cool points because, as bad as it is for your health, yada yada, smoking is still cool.


P.S. I hate Jeri Ryan.

e$ said...

hey fucker, I'm not old.

who moved my metamucil?

Donny said...

...or half a dozen of the other.

Tom said...

that's right. thank you, donny.

hey, has anybody heard from KT lately?