Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I am the only person I know who posts before 11:30 AM. More of you need to start doing that.

Today I am wearing black shoes, black socks, charcoal-colored Dockers flat-front chinos, a maroon shirt with charcoal-colored buttons and the sleeves rolled up, and I look awesome.

The only way I could possibly look more awesome is if maybe the shirt didn't have a few wrinkles because I was too tired to care that much about ironing this morning.

Yesterday my funds both tied out for the first time since I've started this job. I was done working by about eleven thirty, and spent the rest of the day watching World Cup soccer (hence the preceding WC rant ). Today I am trying to keep my eyes open for large rubber bands. The kind used to keep stacks of manilla folders, ot inter-office envelopes together.

I plan on collecting many of these rubber bands and then making a long chain of them, like you used to when you were a kid, with those fabric loops. You loop one over the fingers of one hand, then loop another over, then lift the loops of the first over the second, and then repeat that a hundred times.

The fabric loops also made great potholders if you had that potholder frame and could figure out how to loop the ends and tie a knot that wouldn't come undone.

Seriously, we made, like, a billion potholders when we were kids. Great fun for mindless hours of summer vacation!

So I'm thinking I can duplicate that sort of chain if I find enough of these rubber bands. Then I'll have an elastic chain which is the first part in what will become an office-supply-a-pult.


recommended download:
Under the Influence of Giants, Mama's Room


mance01 said...

Wow. Nice modesty :-p

Also, the thicker rubber bands are harder to do that loopy thing with. Works better with the thinner ones. And I thought only girls wove those potholder things.

Which means one of two things. 1. I was wrong.
2. You're a girl.

I'm very rarely wrong. :-p

Anonymous said...

drnkdrunk runk drunkd runk hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Adina, for serious.