Wednesday, April 26, 2006


They've asked me to do as little as possible today so they can get used to my abscence.

Ironically, I've tried to do as little as possible every day I've been here.

I do not claim my prescence in the group is indispensible, only that my sudden departure will cause a giant drop in the competency level around here. When the last senior left we spent about a week picking up the pieces.

Though, I was the one doing most of the picking up.

The responsibilities fall to hypermanager and the quiet girl to manage an understaffed, under-smart group. A piece of me hopes they can handle the transition smoothly.

A little piece. Tiny. This big: [.]

The rest of me doesn't care. The rest of me revels in my apathy.

Come, see me revel.


Sarah said...

If my boss asked me to do as little as possible so they could get used to my absence, he would see no difference in the amount of stuff that gets done. No drop in productivity. Just a drop in personal phone calls and Internet surfing.

Tom said...

That is almost exactly what I'm saying.

That is exactly what it feels like.

But, in fact, I do do work. I'm just so good at it it hardly takes up any time at all.

Maybe what I'm good at is delegating...