Friday, February 10, 2006

God's house and good graces

Greetings, readers.

I have been marginally busy these last two days, and beyond the usual griping about work I don’t have much to say about it.

Instead, I will update you on other, outside-of-work-related topics:

1. Growing the hell up -
Very soon I may have an apartment of my very own. In this particular case “very own” means something like “sharing with two lovely roommates who were kind and generous and good friends who came with the sweet apartment hook-up totally out-of-the-blue, which is what nice people do”

That was a bit of a run on.

Anyway. Brand new place, hardwood floors, ample street parking, etc. Basically this is the apartment Jesus was living in before he decided to grow up, settle down, and move to the suburbs. Seriously, the only trouble I expect is from a few apostles coming by the first week or so trying to mooch off of us new tenants.

2. Getting richer –
Very soon I may also have a new job. It is very possible I will like it more than the job I currently have. It is also possible I won’t hate it at all.

The new job, if I get it, will pay something like twenty-five percent more than I’m getting paid here and now.

The rich get richer. The moderate-income get moderately-more-incomed.

3. Learning to deal with disappointment.
It is also possible that neither of these things happen.  

Maybe it turns out that the previous resident of our apartment wasn’t Jesus, but in fact Andrew, or some other deadbeat apostle who liked to smoke up with the neighborhood Jews, deal meth out of the kitchen, leave food lying around, and keep a coven of pet rats.

Maybe it turns out that the new job isn’t just as miserable as this one, but worse (I cannot possibly imagine how, but I don’t like exercising my imagination in that direction. I’d much rather imagine having the ability to fly, see through walls, or shoot Skittles out of my nose), but maybe it could be worse.

The silver lining, for you, readers, is that if I do take a job I hate more than this one you’ll have some really nice angry posts to look forward too, and if I don’t end up in the new apartment, you can keep yelling at me to get up and get looking for a space of my own.

To sum up, it’s very possible that within the next week or two my life could take a dramatic shift, and you all are along for the ride.



Tom said...

Jesus was the Son of God, and if God wanted him to have a nice apartment he could have anything he wanted.

A good Catholic would know that too.

Donny said...

I don't remember Joseph ever being described as "poor." Actually as a carpenter I would think he would more likely have a nice place to live. I think the question is more along the lines of "was Joseph a part of the carpenters' union?"

Tom, when you say "lovely" are you referring to Lindsay and Felecia? That's well and good. I like the idea of friends of mine living together. It makes a blog more interesting But Tom, what if they try to, you know, take advantage of you? In the Biblical sense?

Johnny Sapphire said...

I think neither God nor Jesus were really big on the material things.

Plus I bet Jesus could have built his own apartment, being a carpenter's son and all. I bet his step-pop Joe knew some contractors.