Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Happy New Year, everybody.

Here is a list of resolutions that you all should make:
1. Learn to play Mafia (rules and strategy guide available by request, just email a20261 @ gmail . com)

2. Get a job you like

3. Start paying for your own car insurance

4. Get a new apartment, with parking

5. Buy yourself a “kiss me I’m Irish” t-shirt and wear it on St. Patrick’s Day

6. Travel to a faraway land, country, or state

7. Visit the capital building in Austin Texas and make Johnny Sapphire give you a tour

8. Take a road trip

9. Play more ping pong

10. Start getting excited for PHILLONYE 06


p.s. how set are we on that spelling? You say phillonye, I say philonye? Well, I still say PHONYE, but it’s all good. Happy new year!


Donny said...

Only Tom would set NY's resolutions for other people.

Anonymous said...

Are you KIDDING me? We are almost LITERALLY a YEAR away from the next New Year's Eve! ARGH.