Friday, January 06, 2006

Nothing Doing

There is very little to do here today: All the things that needed to be put in boxes have been put in boxes; All of hypermanager’s work that I’m responsible for has been finished; All the blogs in the links section have been read, commented on, and read again; a two-hour lunch was taken; IM conversations were had. Hell, I’ve even called up payroll to change my direct deposit accounts, emailed a client to provide information they don’t need, and made three fixes to securities peremptorily (?!) so they won’t be problematic at the end of the month. I’ve done all the work things and the non-work things I could think of.

And now I’m posting.

This is when I think it would be ok to read at work, or to play some dvds or something. There is only so much time I can spend wasting paper by doodling funny cartoon guys on it, and that much time has been wasted today.

I am sitting here waiting for the weekend because there is nothing else to do. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE TO DO.

Tonight, do not let me forget, I am going to watch Lost season 2 episodes 4, 5, 6 and possibly 7, 8, 9 to prepare for next week. Because Lost is coming back, in a two-hour event.



recommended download:
Matt Nathanson, Wings, Suspended, I Saw, and More Than This    


e$ said...
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e$ said...

odd - I have a ton to do but am still stiting here idly checking blogs as though the amount of tasks yet to be completed isn't something that could literally kill me by sheer force of will.

that last comment was me. it made no sense, so i deleted it.