Friday, January 13, 2006

Beating the censors

John posted something TOTALLY UNORIGINAL.

And I called him on it, by posting a comment on his blog.

And John deleted my first two comments on his post.

I saved the comments, because I'm good like that, here they are:

Tom said...
dude. please, please stop stealing blog posts and ideas for posts and come up with something original.

"gay marriage reasons"
"taking out five year olds"?


also, please see my follow-up comment for an answer to the five year old query and also a relevant link.

1:59 PM  
Tom said...

I think I could take about probably twenty or so before one of them landed a lucky shot or gouged out one of my eyes. Once injured it would just be a race against the clock and the only comfort I would have while being pummeled into an early grave would be the number of multi-national over-tired cheerio-eating velcro-wearing would-be hostage-rescue-ing mob-members I could take down with me

relevant link:

2:03 PM

We had this IM conversation:

johnny: also i am deleting your first comment because it is very mean

johnny: and the second



johnny: damn straight

johnny: my comment section is not a public forum

johnny: also a lot of time has passed since that indietits appearance and i had totally forgotten the website

I then reposted both comments along with the IM conversation. WHICH HE THEN DELETED.

This exchange followed:

tom: HEY

johnny: what

tom: did you delete my third comment?!

johnny: it contained the previous two

tom: yes

johnny: so i deleted it


How, original.



Anonymous said...

finally. something worth reading outta you guys. thanks for waking up, out there.

Anonymous said...

oh, and i dont "take out" small children. who ARE you people?!?

Anonymous said...

also, lets not let the strangeness of tom's saving his comments go by without remark. dude, thats very strange.

Tom said...

dude. do you have younger siblings? "taking out" children is one of the most fun things you can do!

*also, please note, no comments were deleted on this post...because I'm not down with the whole censorship thing. John wants to play "big brother" that's fine, because he can only be that guy in his own little amazo world, and not, you know, out in the real world, because that's my job*

Tom said...

and what do you mean "finally" I've had great posts up for weeks


You know, I'm thinking of deleting that comment just for the hell of it...

of course, that would render this comment unnecessary so maybe I won't.

Because I like seeing my name in print.


Anonymous said...

i included in the "you guys"?

because if i am, i'd like to draw your attention to January 5, 2006 in My Blog which, not to brag but includes two posts about vaginas.

i'd like som clarification, kt1,2, and 3.

Donny said...

KT, when I come to visit, we're going to set you up with your own blog. Start thinking about a snazzy title.

Tom said...

and a snazzy userid "KT" won't cut it in the cutthroat world of blogging.

Anonymous said...

whatev, yeah, Tom's been slacking, but NOTHING can beat the Gentle Hand. Not even posts about vaginas. Or Jackie's love letter to Adrien Brody, which was even more hilarious after I realized she meant the guy who kissed Halle Berry on the Oscars and not the kid from the OC.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU FELECIA FOR THE WELL DESERVED PROPS. though jackie's adrien brody love letter WAS fanastic (it also captured how i felt about him after i saw king kong as well).

Donny said...

Was King Kong any good? I'm not sure if I want to invest the three hours.

Anonymous said...

can I get some focus here?!? is no one else weirded out by the evident cut-and-paste festish Tommyboy has with all things internet? saving blog comments? copying IM conversations? hello??

Tom, are you actually employed at this numbers-crunching job, or do you really work for the government? is this "funds" gig just a cover for your frighteningly detailed record-keeping and accumulation work for the feds?

come on, buddy. come clean.

note: "you guys" referred to Tom, and also to John, whose 3 week hiatus from blogging (after the family secrets post) I am still smarting from.

note2: i would cut and paste this comment to a file on my hard drive, Thomas, but somehow I suspect you've got me covered on that.

Anonymous said...

note3: when I say that I would cut and paste my comment to a file on my hard drive, I really mean that I would NOT. But would it be weird if I were to actually do such a thing? YES. YES, it would be.

something to reflect on, Tom.

note4: my apologies for the blog commenting diarrhea today, but work is slow and im being unproductive. i will resist any request to personally start a blog, as it would likely have a detrimental effect on my future productivity, moreso than the current detrimintal effects caused by simply reading all of your fabulous blogs. that fabulous characterization applies to everyone but Tom, who I think we all know is in a bit of a blogging rut right now.


Donny said...

Watch it, KT. If you're going to use Latin, you're going to use it correctly. "Exeunt" is plural. You want "exit" which translates to "He/she/it went out." I think it's cool that the "ex-" means "out" so that if you just have the word "it," that would be translated to "He/she/it went."

That Latin lesson for the day comes to you from Brassicaput, where all the Latin cabbage heads hang out.

Tom said...

the cutting and pasting and deleting of comments in this particular instance occurred (ocurred? occured? who knows) in real time.

in fact I still had amazo's comment screen open when John told me he deleted the comments, so, quick as a bunny I Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V-ed them into a post on my blog.

That said, yes, sometimes I do copy and paste particularly humorous or poignant IM conversations into emails and store them on an anonymous server.

But I hardly ever go back and read them.


ps KT, I don't work for the government, but, as you so discerningly observed, I don't do much work for the number-crunchers either.

PPS My posts lately have rocked. You troglodytes just don't have the capacity to appreciate them.


Anonymous said...

donny: king kong was really cheesy. it didn't feel too long because there was always something going on, and it was cool to see what can be done with digital cinematography nowadays. it was also pretty cool to see it on the big screen. also adrien brody, as discussed by jackie, is HOT. it wasn't really a GOOD movie, but i think it was worth seeing in the movie theatre. oh and i sort of hate jack black. THERE IS SAID i think he is annoying and not very funny.

one thing i dislike about blogger is that you can't reply to a comment, you have to just post it at the end of comments that might not have anything to do with the comment you're responding to.

Anonymous said...

that letter wasn't funny! it was my heartfelt emotion!

donny, i'd say go see "king kong." it's all special effects and cheesiness, but that's the idea of it. it's a blockbuster.

i agree about jack black. the whole three hours i wanted to punch him in the face.