Tuesday, January 17, 2006


They’re scared of me. The stupid kid, the PAs, they all hesitate when they approach my desk. They know I’m going to react harshly. No one wants to give me something I  won’t like.

They know the worst thing they can bring me is a problem they caused and should be able to fix. But even if the problem isn’t their fault that won’t save them. I’m still angry. I still lecture. I don’t care.

This job is ruining me. I used to be a nice guy, all the time. People are scared of me now. That’s not right. I’m not a scary guy.

These people are scared to ask me obscure questions, but do anyway, because they’re convinced I’m one of only three people that might know the difference between a 2/A security and a 3/B security. If these same people met me in real life it wouldn’t take them long to realize I can’t even remember what I’m doing this weekend.

I’m a different person here at work. And in this instance different means “worse.” And it might be carrying over into my life outside work. I don’t want to change. Not like this.

Nobody likes the work me. Especially me.



Anonymous said...

jump ship, tom. jump ship and move to philly and find a job here with me. we will work 9 to 5. we will take long lunch breaks. and then we can tag-team when PHILLONYE rears its ugly little head.

i am sure donny will follow up with a "move to milwaukee" comment but just remember. PHILADELPHIA DOESN'T NEED TO BE JUST A DETOUR. IT CAN BE A WAY OF LIFE.

Donny said...

I so came here to write a "Move to Milwaukee" comment. Half way through your first paragraph, Adina, I thought, "I can't believe she beat me to it." And then the second paragraph completely calls me on it.

Tom, if you move to Milwaukee I won't steal your thunder when you're hoping to make a good blog comment. Also, Jake has not applied to one Milwaukee grad school, so it appears that I will need a roommate. And it appears that there will be a job opening at his office, coinciding right about the time that he will be moving out. What do you say?

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, don't move to DC. You would drive me nuts (like a steering wheel in a pirate's pants).

Tom said...

zing. Also, totally true. Also, KT, that is gross imagery, really, totally uncalled for.

Also, where's your blog?

Anonymous said...

Did you really intend for three of the four sentences in that last post to contain the word "also"? And I'm being generous by classifying "zing" as a sentence. Might I suggest you employ an online thesaurus before resorting to such pedestrian iterations?

Furthermore (see?), I admit to borrowing the above pirate imagery from a dear friend's AIM profile. Does the joke strike you as familiar, Thomas?

Donny said...

I don't get it. Is it because pirates don't drive cars?

Tom said...

the alsos were used for emphasis. it worked.

and zing. is a sentence. just like Hey! Stop! and Go! are sentences. it's called an interjection. I'm not going to suggest an online grammar tutorial though, because I'm pretty sure you knew that.

Also, I'm totally cool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom. I read all your archives. I used to be an auditor at Deloitte for those damn funds you manage. Get out of there!!!!! I know of your hell.