Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Think tank

So what should I do? I’m pretty sure mutual funds are right out. I am not excited about continuing a career in the financial industry. But where do I go from here?

It’s not like I’m a tough guy to please; All I want is to be well-paid to be part of a group of intelligent people solving problems. Sam suggested I join a think tank. That’s not a bad idea, so if anyone knows any think tanks looking for a juggler with a math degree…

Meantime I’ve got to go back to doing hypermanager’s work (and Shannon’s work, and Shelly’s work too, because she called in today).


recommended download:
Dave Matthew Band, Two Step
The Coral, Bill McCai, and Pass It On


Anonymous said...


Tom said...

Google is not a think tank and I have no knowledge of computer programming. I am not even qualified to file records at google.

mance01 said...


Anonymous said...

i really like my job (consulting) but it's not for everyone. it pays well, you are always surrounded by/meeting smart people, and you do nothing but solve problems. if you don't mind the travel it's a pretty good living.

Tom said...

sweet. how do I get in on that?

Donny said...

I'm in consulting too. It's sort of a vague concept that can cover almost anything. There are no set rules but it helps to have some sort of credentials or experience.

When I was in Alaska, one of the other passengers was a consultant. He helped firms that were going bankrupt. He had never been to school, but he had been in a couple of businesses that had gone belly-up and had the necessary experience.

Or, just start taking actuarially exams.

Anonymous said...

you can reach me through adina if you want to know about my specific branch of consulting. (not a fan of putting contact info online) or comment on a public entry in my lj with your info.

alternatively there are a lot of companies that have their own internal consultants. they don't get paid as much but they don't have to travel. usually they are government institutions that have these positions, usually for things like spend management. my friend did this type of work for the nyc port authority.

Anonymous said...

Don't knock Kelly's Google idea.

They have Finance openings and a kick-ass benefits package.

I myself have thought many a time of picking up and moving to Google in Mountain View, CA.

Tom said...

right right, but I don't like finance, and I do like New England.

plus, I'd hate to start working there and become disillusioned.