Monday, November 28, 2005


There is no such thing as a “work week.” I’ve stopped believing in it. Instead, what formerly was a string of days strung together has become randomly placed individual days, scattered over the calendar (that they fall into patterns of five days on-two days off is irrelevant).

Nothing is carried over from one day to the next. Each stands in isolation. If a higher power interfered and started to rearrange, bringing days that have already happened and placing them in the near future, or reversing days sequentially no one would notice. EVERYTHING IS THE SAME NOW.

I guess you could still call it a “work week,” you know, if you’re into “labels,” but I’m not. I’d much rather “think” about “these” days as random events, happen“stance.” It’s easier that way.

No response yet from monster.

recommended download:
Brian Webb, Martha
The Old 97s, One Brown Shoe


Anonymous said...

i dislike the new font.

Tom said...

but I dislike the old font. I am searching for a nice-looking font. I am open to suggestions.

Donny said...

When did the font change? I can't tell the difference.

Tom said...

it's possible your browser doesn't support the different fonts.

This post is written in Lucida Fax and the comments are Arial Narrow.

Anonymous said...

i like arial. especially for tom. i think it fits. if you have to change though, i like trebuchet. not like donny will ever know the difference.

Donny said...

I like courier. It's like a typewriter.

I also like curry - Thai curry more than Indian curry. On duck.