Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I don’t know exactly what to write. I know I want to write something.

That’s where it stands right now, so John, Adina, etc,  feel free to skip this entry, it’ll be boring.

I spent most of last night watching television and then on the computer previewing Feeder songs on iTunes. Did I mention the Feeder album I got for like three bucks? It’s called “Comfort In Sound.”

Now, previously, my experience of Feeder comes only from Just A Day, a song from the Nintendo 64 Tony Hawk Pro Skater soundtrack, and High, a radio single. Somewhere along the line I also downloaded Insomnia , which I also like. So I know a little bit of their music, and figured, hey, I’ll try a little more for three bucks, right? Right.

Turns out, “Comfort In Sound” is a good album, of the twelve tracks there are only two or three I skip over.

Yesterday I also watched a couple more Lost episodes, didn’t play any video games at all, seriously thought about restringing my guitar, accepted a house-sitting gig for next week, and spoke, briefly, online, with nose girl.

So that’s what’s been happening lately.


recommended download:
Feeder, Comfort In Sound    


Anonymous said...

you know i saw the warning but i thought, how bad could it be?

oh tom. so bad.

usually during a boring post, i can catch AT LEAST four or five key words in each paragraph until jumping to the next paragraph. but the only words i caught in this ENTIRE POST were "Feeder" and "Tony Hawk" and immediately slipped into a blogcoma (not to be confused with sarcoma or carcinoma).

seriously. if you know its going to be boring, why go there? i love you, i do. you are a cherished moment spent during my blogging hours. you are the first non-LJ i check every day. I would check Donny's first BUT WE ALL KNOW HE NEVER POSTS BECAUSE HIS HOME COMPUTER IS BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. but just use this as reference:

if you have to preface an entry with a "John, Adina, etc, feel free to skip this entry, it'll be boring" statement, then feel free to include yourself in the "etc" group and skip writing it.

love, adina

Tom said...

sound advice, which will be absolutely ignored...but how do you like the font?

Anonymous said...

the font is misleading. you see bold type, you think bold statement. this was anti-bold statement. maybe it would be appropriate if you were writing an editorial piece on euthanasia or gaza or something. but that is a big maybe.

Anonymous said...

lucky for adina's fun and entertaining comments, otherwise this blog would just blow.

what happened to your old flair, tommyboy?

Tom said...

sucked out of me by months of corporate oppression. I figure I'll need about two weeks recovery after quitting before I'm my old self. Or a wireless card for my laptop so I can post from home.


Johnny Sapphire said...

I think everybody is being unnecessarily harsh on Tom here. I mean, the man has an unnatural penchant for board games and Tony Hawk. He lives in a room with his brother. At his parents' house. His job? Sucks donkeyballs.

Give the man a break.

Donny said...

what bold font?

Anonymous said...

tom, good answer.

Donny said...

ooh, simultaneously commenting.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I haven't seen this supposed "new font" on any of the computers I use at or OR on my laptop. I think you are making this up.

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to be "at work" btw

Anonymous said...

oh johnny. wonderful, kind johnny. you're just jealous because i got to say it first.

donny, three comments all at 3:54pm. it's like we're linked. or extremely bored at work.

felecia, two words: conspiracy theory.

Donny said...

I have to confess - I actually liked that movie, except for when Mel Gibson was watching Julia Roberts while she ran on the treadmill. That was creepy.

Johnny Sapphire said...

Have you ever noticed that only Tom's really crappy posts ever get the high numbers of comments?

Tom said...

donny, that movie was stupid. donny and felecia, your browsers obviously can't support the myriad typefaces I've been experimenting with. like drugs. fonts are like drugs, and I am an experimenting fool. adina, how the hell did this post generate fourteen (now fifteen) comments? I blame you.

Donny said...

I never read the original post. I saw that there were six comments and went straight for those.

Tom said...

oh. donny, that movie was stupid except for the cather in the rye compulsion. that was funny. sort of. but not really.

Donny said...

We just went around the office trying to remember the soundtrack to The Breakfast Club.

Don't you forget about me.

Anonymous said...

tom, you BLAME me? you should be CELEBRATING me.

Johnny Sapphire said...

I celebrate Adina every day.