Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Brand new font. “Century.” I like it. I don’t know if I’ll stick with it, but it’s good enough for this post anyway.

Blue is my favorite color. It is soothing, and strong; bold, but not flashy; it is the background: sky, and sea; Picasso liked it.

I wear a lot of blue: Blue shirts, blue (hooded) sweatshirts, blue jeans. Not blue hats though. I look better in red hats. No blue shoes either. Elvis can keep them. Blue shoes are impractical, and funny-looking.

Blue’s also got a lot of things going for it. Drinks, for example: Blue Margaritas, Creepy Daves, Blue Hawaiian, and Romulan Ale. Blue’s got the St. Louis Blues hockey team. Blue’s got that guy from Old School, Blue. And Weezer’s blue album.

It’s a nice color. Hell, my eyes are blue (mostly).

recommended download:
Weezer, In The Garage, and Surf Wax America


Donny said...

I can actually see this font. Too bad you couldn't write it in blue.

I love Creepy Daves - the official drink of Dan Goldin Day. (I really am beginning to live in my own little world.)

Johnny Sapphire said...

I can't see the font. wtf.