Monday, October 17, 2005


My back hurts. And I’ll tell you why: three hour sessions of Tony Hawk’s Underground 2.

I’ve got my Xbox hooked up to my 13 inch tv in my room, which is balanced (precariously) on my brother’s nightstand, tucked into the corner, behind my guitar case, armchair (broken), laundry baskets of winter clothes (still folded), and backed by, well, clutter. I have to sit on the floor, legs crossed, hunched over in front of the tv to play. And I do, because I love Tony Hawk video games (even THPS 2, which, like The Matrix Revolutions, is nowhere near as good as the rest of the franchise but I still love it because it’s part of the franchise) (unlike Star Wars episodes II and III, which just plain sucked and have been excommunicated (in my mind anyway) from the Star Wars franchise completely, because they’re just bringing the other films down).

I really only intend to play a little. Like half an hour at a time. But I get sucked into the game. “I’ll just complete this last goal. I can score one million two-hundred fifty-thousand points in two minutes…” But sometimes it takes a while, like if you fall at the end of a seven-hundred thousand point combo with three seconds left, six times in a row…that’s twelve minutes right there. Anyway, I play longer than I should.

You guys remember Nintendo thumb, right? Back on the NES after a few too many games you couldn’t even look at your left thumb because it was rubbed raw against the control pad? Now it’s Xbox fingers. After about an hour the muscles in my hands sort of lock up around the controller. Ow.

Ok, that’s it, congrats white sox.

recommended downloads:
Oasis, Where Did It All Go Wrong
Everclear, I Will Buy You A New Life, and Heartspark Dollarsign          

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