Thursday, October 13, 2005

Probably all in the mind.

It’s all in my head. I’ve got projections on projections. I can extrapolate any of a myriad of desired results from the smallest shreds of evidence. I can misinterpret observations and justify believability for any scenario I imagine. My brain is a powerful tool of persuasion and often delusion. It is almost exclusively used on me.

But, I also have a very real ability to affect other people. I am able to make light of things. Anything. I ridicule, analyze, and interpret any real-life situation, and reduce it to near-insignificance. I can show you that break ups are not near-death experiences. I can remind you that a broken taillight is funny, not the end of the world. I can convince you that being fed up with the teller at the bank, or the loud guy at the office, or the crummy reception on your tv is not important.

I take the seemingly significant and make it not so. The antithesis of overreaction, the opposite of emotionally invested. Laugh at your troubles, and you’ll never run out of things to laugh at. I’m the guy to help.

Just so you know.

recommended downloads:
The Shins, Saint Simon
Weezer, Why Bother


Anonymous said...

brilliant post.

Tom said...


who are you?