Friday, October 07, 2005

Like A Ton Of Bricks

It hit me this morning like a ton of bricks. Yesterday I thought it would be ok, only getting four hours of sleep. I figured I could make it through most of the work day, and crash when I got home.

But this morning when I woke up, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m not sure if my body was awake and my mind wasn’t, or if it was the other way around. I can tell you I missed three or four of those crucial directions your mind is supposed to give your body in the morning. “Open your eyes” “Swing legs to the side of the bed” “Don’t fall over”

My morning was a series of detached observations connected by long periods of complete blankness. “I can hear a loud noise” It turned out to be the alarm. It ran for five minutes before I thought “I think that noise is the alarm” Then, a little while after that I thought “I’m supposed to shut off the alarm” That’s when I should have swung my legs over the side of the bed, and remembered to stand up. I didn’t think of it until after I’d rolled off the bed and crashed to the floor. Like a ton of bricks.

I’m pretty sure I showered this morning, I remember brushing my teeth. Most of my morning went like that. I don’t remember coming in to work, but I’m sitting here at my desk writing this, so I guess I made it.

Today, I’m one tired dude.

recommended downloads:
Bob Schneider, Long Way To Get
Three Doors Down, Here Without You
Sublime, What I Got


Patt said...

Ithink weve all been there .

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you just call in?

Tom said...

I went over this yesterday:
I'm not calling in because I had to ask for monday off unexpectedly (death in the extended family) and I'm planning on calling in next friday to play golf, but that's a day when we're already down to people, so I feel bad. today is also the first day of my manager's vacation, so without him here it's almost like a vacation for the rest of us.