Thursday, October 20, 2005


I think they should make a stoner movie called “James Bong.” His agent number would be (obviously) 420, and in Q division everything would turn into a bong or a lighter.

"Here we are Agent 420, this shoe is specially designed to turn into a bong"
"And your watch is actually a lighter"
"And this briefcase, holds a wide assortment of snacks, including peanut butter crackers, twinkies, and microwaveable hamburgers"

I think that would be a good movie, or a good SNL sketch – too bad they WONT RETURN MY EMAILS. Dude, I could totally write for Saturday Night Live. I’m a white middle-class male age 18-24, I’m the key demographic. What I say, goes. Right?

The Bong girls names would be names for marijuana. The super-villain’s girl would be Mexican Red, the good girl would be Mary Jane Sweetleaf. Damn. This practically writes itself.


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