Wednesday, October 19, 2005

3 15 4 5

Writing a secret code on rubber bands to fling around the office:
Ruler (wooden)
pen (preferably black)
rubber bands
encoder (ie A=1, B=2, etc)

Step One:
     Select a message to encode, and encode it. This can be the trickiest step, remember, proofread your code! Having a conspirator decode “Lice, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” instead of “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” can be embarrassing; I often find popular quotations are a good place to start if you can’t think of anything on your own. For this example we will be encoding “Give me liberty, or give me death!”  (Patrick Henry), because it does not apply to office life.
     According to our encoder the message becomes: “7 9 22 5 13 5 12 9 2 5 18 20 5 25 15 7 9 22 13 5 4 5 1 20 8”

Step Two:
     Select a rubber band.

Step Three:
     Carefully stretch the rubber band along the length of the ruler.

Step Four:
     Using the pen, write each number, legibly, and in order, on the rubber band.

Step Five:
     Remove the rubber band from around the ruler. BE CAREFUL! At this point in the process it is not uncommon for the code-master (you) to become excited at nearing completion, and, distracted by the thoughts of becoming a master spy, let slip one end of the ruler, allowing the taut rubber band to contract, thus flinging the other end of the ruler across the room at an unwary third party (hopefully not your boss). Keep a firm grip on that ruler.

Step Six:
     Determine the recipient of your coded message, and…FLING the rubber band in their general direction, being careful to avoid eyes and mouths of coworkers.

recommended download:
23 5 5 26 5 18, 10 1 13 9 5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 15 15 -Melissa