Friday, September 02, 2005

Timing Is Everything

I enjoy free time. I especially enjoy free time at work. Mostly I use it to cruise around online (see: friends, romans, countrymen; see also: mightygoods, amazon, espn). And, like they say, “it’s not wasted time if you spend it wasted.”

Anyway, I take about an hour for lunch every day. Lately I’ve been missing a few lunch hours because hey, I got a new job with more responsibilities, and that’s how the cookie crumbles sometimes. But. On days when I do have a lighter work load and fewer responsibilities I try my best (which, yes, usually doesn’t mean much) to maximize my unstructured time.

So, here’s how it works: First, I identify a portion of the day when we won’t be particularly busy (on Fridays this portion of the day generally falls between 1:15PM and 2:00PM) That’s forty-five minutes of almost free time. Most managers in the group would use this “down time” to go get lunch. But not me. (maybe you see where I’m going here…)

Instead of taking a lunch break during the part of the day we wouldn’t be working anyway, I take my lunch break an hour before. This gives me the hour break to leave the building, find some sanity elsewhere, and grab some grub, plus it provides me with almost an hour of unstructured time when I get back (which I use to blog! bam!). In addition, the unstructured time for blogging is (as I mentioned) when other managers are at lunch so nobody is around to bug me either! It’s like bonus time. (woo)

I seriously have a hard time believing that they keep paying me to goof off. You all have a hard time believing that too, I’m sure.


recommended download:
Oasis, Part of the Queue

1 comment:

mance01 said...

I used to do something very similar. I'd leave for lunch about an hour before everyone else did, but then I wouldn't come back until about 10 minutes before everyone else was supposed to be back. Gave me a good 2 hour lunch everyday. WOO! (or if you prefer, BAM!)