Thursday, September 01, 2005

Well, that was about as hectic a morning as I've ever had...

So, to start off, let me tell you a few things about this week:
1. Month-end falls right in the middle of this week, and we get busy (not "get busy, Adina) around month end with budgets, reinvestments, expenses and other reports.
2. Our floor fund is being used to buy ice cream (a "sundae party") for the floor today.
3. Two of the new guys are holding their own (the smart new guy, and one of the dumb new guys in a come-from-behind surge).
4. However, the really dumb new guy and the new-guy-who-seemed-at-first-passable-but-since-then-hasn't-made-any-headway are bringing everybody down with them.

So, this morning. I had. To do.
1. Rates (one of my new responsibilities, it's easy, and usually quick
2. Yield reports (end of the month stuff, easy, and time consuming)
3. Help new guys with morning income (this is the stuff they should know how to do after two days here. It's been way more than two days and I'm shuffling between a guy as dumb as a rock and a guy as dumb as a bag of hammers)
4. Update fund info on the website. (this, takes, for..., ev..., er.)
All of these things should be done before noon, (and on a good day are done by eleven).

First, there were a few problems with rates, which took half an hour to track down
Then, there were problems with the printer, which meant problems printing the yield reports for month end
Then tweedle dum and tweedle bag o' hammers couldn't straighten out their income, and that took an hour and a half to fix
Then the fund info website crashed (twice) and so did my computer
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the insane Russian woman who works on the custody side of our funds calling me every fifteen minutes to process her reinvestment. [update: She just called again because she can't work a fax machine]
It took two phone calls to undertand why she was yelling at me, another two were needed to explain that she had to forward me her month-end spreadsheets before I could process anything, and another two insane Russian yelling phone calls just for good measure.

And all of this happened simultaneously.

I can work fast when problems crop up one at a time. Problem, solution. Bam. But, when all five (six?) of these things happened not only was I solving problems but also trying (valiantly) to deflect questions from the dumbsters and requests for progress updates from hypermanager.

I don't know if this font does it justice:


Nope. Just imagine that about twelve times bigger suspended in a speech bubble over my head. Then imagine me bashing my head against my desk and then the phone against my head.
SO, everything is fixed (hence a small break to post, hi there readers), just in time to head over for the sundae party. And I'm sure you've all guessed: They ran out of ice cream.
recommended download:
Oasis, Lyla


mance01 said...

Awww. Poor baby :-p

Donny said...

I spent yesterday afternoon at the library, but instead of studying I read a magazine.