Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Remember, bee yourself

I am so busy. This is the least amount of fun I've had at work ever. I used to have hours of free time at work, now I have minutes, at most. Instead of fifteen minutes of work in the morning I now have two hours. Instead of taking two hour lunches I'm taking lunch at my desk.

They haven't taken anything off of my desk. I'm now doing two jobs, my old job, and my new job. If they'd taken away the old stuff I'd be ok with the new stuff, but they didn't, they just gave me the new stuff too. So now instead of going from an hour of work at the end of the day at my old job, to two hours of work at the end of the day at my new job, I have three hours of work at the end of the day that I have to finish in two hours time. It's not just the end of the day, it's the same for every part of the day. If I were two people this wouldn't be a problem.


I'm just me. Sure, I may have amazed you with my efficiency, and how quickly I grasped the workings of the entry-level position I was hired to fill. BUT, that's because a trained monkey could do that job. This new position could not be filled by a trained monkey. [I really think this is an administrative problem, bureacracy inaction, if you know what I mean, but that's a separate post] Work sucks.

I swear, if I didn't need money for car payments, gas, insurance, food, books, comic books, dvds, and phone service, and if this place weren't air-conditioned, I'd walk out right now. Screw two-weeks notice. I'd just walk out, step on the train, get back to my house, change into some comfortable travelling clothes, throw some stuff in my truck and drive to chicago. or montreal. or seattle. or baton rouge. or pheonix.

Instead I'm going to sit here, try my very best to do eight things at once, continuously, until the end of the day. Then, I'm going to walk out the door, have a drink, and make a phone call.

and then see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

and then show up to do it all again tomorrow.


recommended downloads:
Fountains of Wayne, Leave The Biker
Liz Phair, Why I Left California
Dashboard Confessional, Again I Go Unnoticed

1 comment:

Kate Mills said...

c&cf was great.
the songs were a little....

