Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Where to

I miss summer vacation. I've tried my best to approximate it this year, but no matter how many weekends I spend at the beach, or fly to texas, I'm still working through the summer. I want one more summer escape. And now that I'm driving a car of my own there are options open to me that weren't before.

It's been my goal for a long time to drive cross-country. That trip would take more money that I currently have, so it's still a goal. Maybe, though, I could drive across half of the country. Or down to D.C. Maybe a few days off work, instead of the few weeks (months) that I'd really like to take. You know, start small.

I'm not talking road trip here, this isn't some crazy grab to pile as many people as I can into the car and drive until we run out of gas then drink til dawn. Next week I'm driving to a wedding in Rhode Island, and then my weekends start opening up. But where to?

The Julianna Theory, Duane Joseph
James Taylor, Mexico (Live)

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