Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I wanted to quit

I'd been back five minutes, maybe. Already I wanted to quit, to just walk away.

I sat down to find funds haphazardly scattered around my desk. Gershwin came over to tell me I had two budgets due tomorrow afternoon. Three outlook alerts popped up once my computer started, a meeting with management, a report that needs to be run every tuesday, and a program I run that should also have been run tuesday. Oh, also, one hundred sixty-three messages in my inbox since friday. Two of them relevant.

But then...

But then the PA on one of my tax-free's came over with a problem. A trade booked wrong, an incorrect date, and wrong income. I went right into problem-solving mode. It didn't even occur to me until just now that I had stopped thinking about quitting. Fifteen minutes, we figured out what was wrong, figured out how to fix it, and fixed it, and in doing so redirected my wanderlust.

What can I say? I like solving problems.

recommended downloads:
R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
Rod Stewart, Someone Like You


Stephermay said...

funny - i came back to work from being on vacation last week, and applied for a transfer...

Tom said...

yes. exactly. this is exactly what I'm talking about.


Stephermay said...

and i got the transfer, too. just waiting for the paperwork to go through. vacations are for mental clarity. some people refocus and come back and love their jobs. others realize they're stuck in a pit of hell and try desparately to get out. :)