Thursday, June 09, 2005

That time I was generous

So I was just reading Midwestgrrl's latest and hit that link she has in there to read the back story, and it reminded me of something that happened just a few weeks ago.

It's not something I'd remember readily, because I was plastered at the time.

It was night. I was drunk. I was walking to the train.
I was approached by what seemed to be a very normal person. She seemed also to be a little distraught. Middle-aged, clutching her jacket, she said "Excuse me, I don't normally beg for money, but I need seventeen dollars to get home tonight and blah blah blah"

Like I said, I was plastered.

So I reached into my pocket for one of the two bills I knew I had. A twenty-dollar bill, and a one-dollar bill. I figured, why not give her a buck? And I pull out the twenty and hand it to her. Not because I see it's the twenty and I'm afraid stopping, reaching back into my pocket and giving her a "here's a dollar is really all that I have, except for this twenty in my other hand," but because I'm like "fuck it, take the twenty, I'll only spend it on coffee or donuts or a hamburger or something."

And she was like, amazed. Like, she wanted to hug me. Since I'd covered her transportation costs and left her enough for a large hazelnut coffee from dunkin' donuts. But I took off, because it's one thing to be accidentally overgenerous to a strange woman at night in boston, and it's quite another to be drunk and get a bear hug from a strange woman at night in boston because you just handed her some cash. She was still thanking me while I was walking away. I was all, "buzz off lady, now I just want to go home."

recommened download:
Pushstars, Millionaire

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