Wednesday, June 15, 2005

signed, Fred O'Connor

So how cool is it to post a comment on blogger? I'll tell you, it's wicked cool. Try it, if you haven't already. Click on "comments" and write in whatever you think - but that's not even the best part.

The best part comes next. "Choose an identity"


That's not something you can do in real life. You can be anybody you want to be. That is awesome. Philosophically, I mean. It's better than those "choose your own adventure" books. (which I always hated reading, and ended up choosing to run away from danger any chance I got, because that inevitably led to an early death, and therefore, a quick end to the story.) Complete freedom to assume any identity you want.

Today, I'm me. Tomorrow, who knows?

recommended download: The Who, I'm A Boy
I was going to recommend Stephen Kellogg, Who Am I, but I didn't.


Jackie O. said...

Choose your own adventure books rocked. I think I may have been a little OCD because I would go through the book multiple times to try and read every possible adventure. Crazy? maybe

Tom said...

I thought everyone did that. Wasn't that the point? to trick kids into reading more than they normally would? I only wanted to get through them quickly after about the seven hundreth I'd read. But yeah, those first three or four were interesting, I def. read every choice in the book.