Friday, May 20, 2005

She did it AGAIN!

Listen lady, wait your f-ing turn!

We have security doors. Revolving security doors. You swipe your card. You step into the door. The door AUTOMATICALLY turns one-quarter turn and you exit the other side.
If people want to enter from the other side as folks are exiting you take turns. One exits, then one enters, then one exits, and so on.

You may recall the slight problem I had with the revolving security doors earlier.

Today, leaving the building for lunch I was waiting my turn. One guy left. One guy came in. I started to leave. AND THE SAME LADY STEPS INTO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR! Of course, she didn't swipe her ID, she aparently has NO IDEA HOW THESE DOORS WORK despite having used them EVERYDAY SHE'S COME TO WORK FOR THE PAST FIVE YEARS.

Today she's coming back from lunch. She has a small pizza box in her hands. As she starts to step into the door it starts its turn to let me out. Surprised (idiot), she jumps back. SHE DOES NOT PULL THE PIZZA BOX OUT OF THE WAY. The door rotates into the pizza box. One eighth of a turn. AND STOPS. I am now trapped. In the door. Again. The lady looks at me. I push the door through its turn. The lady laughs. Ridiculously.


This is why I should have a cattle prod to zap stupid people with. Honestly.

recommended download:
Oasis, Force of Nature, Step Out
Counting Crows, A Murder Of One (Live), and Have You Seen Me Lately?

1 comment:

mance01 said...

"I am now trapped. In the door. Again." hahahaha! I'm jealous of everyone else that got to see that. Again. hehehe :)