Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Missed Connections

So, craigslist.com. It's a nice place. Get a couch, or a pool table, find a roommate, etc. They've also got a section called "missed connections." You can leave a message to that girl you saw on the train and meant to talk to, or someone you saw on your way to the bank...This is a direct quote "you were wearing an olive workshirt, standing in line for a computer.. i noticed you because of your textbook: you use post-its like crazy, just like me!" You leave your email address, you hope for the other person to be checking these things and respond. When I first found this I thought it was hilarious I mean really I was laughing like crazy at some of these posts, this one, for example.

But there are so many of them. Like, so many. Got me to thinking: there must be lots of lonely people out there. Poor folks. After you eliminate the pranks, psychos, and veterans of the site there are still a lot of missed connections. I found it a little sad.

I said, "Martha its not some kind of contest
that says in the end, if you love someone the most
you will get to keep them"
she says, "maybe it should be.

So, missed connections, don't wait around. Seize the day, don't save it for craigslist.

recommended downloads:
Pearl Jam, Alone
Brian Webb, Martha

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