Thursday, May 19, 2005


Ok, this is the most dangerous time. The movie has opened, I haven't seen it yet. This is when spoilers ruin the movie. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!

Please be especially careful because I hear it's good. I hear it's real good. And if you want to tell me how good it is, that is fine, in fact, I welcome it. BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not reveal any details or plot devices or facts or anything remotely associated with the movie. I SWEAR I AM GOING TO SEE IT SOON. And then I'll be talking non-stop about it, and we can rave/rant/discuss. BUT DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING YET!

thanks, I'm glad we're friends


recommended download: Weezer, This is such a pity
and Morcheeba, The Sea, Aqualung, and Trigger Hippy


Anonymous said...

I just saw it and can I just say WOW. That Luke guy hit some other hairy guy with one of those light saver thingees and then everyone fought and some princess got kidnapped but then got saved and then she made out with some really hairy guy, hairier than the first. whoa. i mean seriously whoa. it was some serious action tom.

mance01 said...

light saver..hahahhaa :) I'm seeing it at 12:30 today...try not to spoil it for you :)

Anonymous said...


Anakin is Darth Vader.

Anonymous said...

I saw a bunch of people dressed up like those Jedi people and the white robot guys outside the AMC Fenway last night. I think there was even a Chewbaca.

It was spectacular. I was so excited I almost crashed my car.

Tom said...

yesterday, noon, we had a crowd outside the boston common theater. highlights include a middle-aged princess leia lookalike and a guy carrying a wookie costume in a dry cleaning bag (aparently keeping it dust free for later)

I think I counted twenty-seven lightsabers.


Donny said...

The crazy people in Milwaukee aren't any fun. They never dress up for movie openings. They just shoot things.

Anonymous said...

about half of the IT department as well as our customer service tech support guy called in sick today. star wars hangover maybe?